celebrating women

on the jagged frontier of ai

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  • Invitations to upcoming #SheLeadsAI events

  • What's hatching in The Incubator

  • Workshops, jam sessions, resources, hot takes

  • SOON: AI book club, mentoring program, and retreats

  • AI Empowered Fundraiser Show resources

  • And more....we're adding opportunities as we go!

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Are You Like "Who is this lady inviting me to stuff?"

Quick Intro:

  • 25-year professional fundraiser in higher ed/nonprofit STEM education and research

  • Launched Empowered Fundraiser Consulting and Coaching in 2022 to take my expertise to the streets

  • We offer: Fundraiser professional development, nonprofit consulting, AI operations strategy and services

  • Community host experience: started on Clubhouse, evolved to creating intentional, safe spaces for women in fundraising and entrepreneurship, always a work in progress

AI Street Cred:

  • Involved with my industry's AI governance world

  • Upskilled 3,000+ fundraisers in responsible AI use so far

  • Launched (and un-launched) an AI start-up (long story)

  • WeekendGPT Jams event host, launched #SheLeadsAI, ran #GPTforGood 24 hour challenge, etc etc.

  • Highlights: OpenAI panel, AI mastermind in Netherlands, teaching college kids how to do their dumb assignments using AI

Warm and enthusiastic, GenX, Enneagram 8 and card-carrying ADHD'er

Here I am: